
Showing posts from May, 2017

My Gold Taniwha

My Golden Taniwha Rahina te 27 o Poutu-te-rangi: My Taniwha can show up in darkness, and my Taniwha will say if he’s angry “No one can kill me ha ha ha ha!” It scary and do not hit him him - you’ll die. It ONLY show in darkness he invisible! Darkness so powerful it can destroy all parts of other taniwhas. But when people die at marae it’s sad for my taniwha EVEN though he’s evil. But there are no other evil taniwhas. My taniwha is evil but only kills other bad taniwhas It save people in New zealand. No one can kill my taniwha. *Taniwha speaks* “HA HA HA HA”. No one can hear my taniwha. My taniwha feels scary sometimes! People think he scary people but he scare taniwhas he save people! My taniwha name is Ryan. My Taniwha looks scary to some people it have coolest best attacks and abilities. My Taniwha Made of Gold, tiny, tiny, tiny diamonds, big, big and big gold, My Taniwha is big as golden!! Story Created By Ryan D I learned how to tel...