Once upon a time, There was three birds named, Ryan, Lion And Pyon, They set up to build the house, in a big, big, big Tree! Yon, Set his house with Bricks, Lion Set his house with leafs, and the final! RYAN Set his house with Super Duper Puper Nuper Luper Tuper, Strong Net, Then, They we're really tired so, So then the all set of to sleep in the houses, *THE NEXT DAY* There was an Legend bird coming, No one know's the legend, birds name! He had big air, Then He went to Pyon's house, then the big legend bird blows his house up, then Pyon fly's to Lions house, Then the big, big, big Legend bird, Was following Pyon, Then Lion, said "Pyon why're you here?" Then softly Pyon says, "HELP, HELP, HELP! A BIG, BIG, BIG LEGEND BIRD IS TRYING TO HURT ME!!" Lions says, "WHAT?!?!?! GET READY THEN!!" Pyons says, "ALRIGHT, LION!!" Ten the big, big, big legend bird blows there house up, Then Lion and Pyon Runs to RYAN'S HOUSE THE LEGEND!...